Attracting third age tourism is Cyprus’ goal

The ‘sun and sea’ tourism product of Cyprus seems to be outdated while the all-inclusive model was prevalent during the last peak summer season.
That’s why the Deputy Ministry of Tourism is keen to seek new markets and to target specific types of tourism. Specialized studies are now in the process of development to specify the exact goals to be set.
Undoubtedly, one of the tourist groups that has great prospects and interest in Cyprus is the third age.  The Deputy Ministry will initially collect all data on existing and new forms of tourism (eg rural tourism, health tourism).
And then data from filled in forms recording the degree of satisfaction of tourists will be thoroughly analysed. At the same time, country profile surveys will be carried out.
Older tourists are interested in Cyprus because they can travel to it all year around and stay in one destination for numerous days. They seem to go to a tourist destination not only for the ‘sun and the sea’ experience but to also explore its gastronomy.
The Deputy Ministry’s plan for Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland is to target tourists over 65 years of age since they will be retired and, thus, financially sound and able to stay abroad for several weeks in winter.
Cyprus’ tourism offices abroad have been instructed to approach specialised travel agents whose clients are primarily senior citizens.
The Deputy Ministry believes that in close cooperation with tour operators in central Europe, Cyprus will be able to attract this category of visitors.
Currently, some 500,000 to 600,000 third age tourists visit Cyprus between the five-month period of November to March and the goal is to surpass the one million.
Beyond the island’s main markets – Britain and Russia – the Deputy Ministry will also target Germany, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Belgium. And the promotion will focus on activities in Cyprus that will provide visitors with life experiences.
The Deputy Ministry is also set to be present in various tourism exhibitions overseas.